Ants are found just about every habitat on land except the very coldest. Most species nest underground, but some nest in trees. Ants can often be identified by behaviors that are unique to their species. A little time observing behavior may provide clues to the ant's identity.
Ants can be a challenge to identify without the proper equipment and experience. In Hayward, Wisconsin, it’s usually best to remove ants through the services of a professional.
Ants in our garden and inside the house are stressful and tiring. Ants are capable of remarkable feats of coordination. Ants are very important in lots of roles. Some species disperse seeds, some are important predators of insects, some tropical species are important herbivores.

Ants are industrious and breed fast. That's why a few ants found in the kitchen can quickly become an infestation. They are also common pests for businesses, farmers, landowners, and homeowners across the globe.
Ants feed on different types of food, including starches, meats, fats, and sweets. They can be difficult to control and treat once they are established. Ants are attracted to food, warmth, and moisture. Ants aren't necessarily our enemy, they have an important role to play in nature. However, when ants make their way into people's homes, it can feel like a battle.
Some species can destroy wood buildings, and others can bite. Some ant species feed predominantly on sweets; others prefer meat and grease but can also be predators of other insects. Army ants may prey on reptiles, birds, or even small mammals.
Ants are social insects that live in a colony, usually consisting of thousands to tens of thousands of individuals. The colonies are sometimes described as superorganisms because the ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively working together to support the colony. Estimates suggest that the mass of all the ants on our planet easily exceeds that of humans, and that one third of the biomass in the Brazilian rain forest is attributable to ants.
If ants are coming inside, consider keeping food in hard, sealed containers, not cardboard boxes or paper wrappers. Remove exposed food supplies. Remove plants that can attract ants or control aphids, whiteflies and other insects that produce honeydew. For house ants, you can use a borax solution as a simple but highly effective way of pest control.
Openings into the structure -- that is, cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and spaces where utility lines penetrate the structure -- should be sealed.
There are several ways that you can rid your lawn of all types of ants. Eradicating an ant nest in the house often involves more than just applying spray: a pest control company may have to drill small holes in the wall near the floor. The best choice for pest control often depends on the species, since this determines preferences for food and nest sites. You can feel confident that you are doing what is best for your family and the environment, and that you will be free from ants.
Contact your local exterminators if you need help with an ant infestation. A professional pest control expert can ensure that you are using the right toxins to treat the pests that are present, in a way that won’t harm your grass, your pets or your children.