Do you own a furry companion? Do they often go outside your home and in the yard, or do you go outside for walks in the park, etc? Then maybe you have a flea problem in your home. If you are, stop reading now and contact, Prompt Action Pest Control, the best pest control company in Hayward, WI.
Fleas are wingless pests from the insect order Siphonaptera are external parasites, living by hematography off the blood of mammals and birds. Fleas are small, mostly flat pests that appear dark to reddish brown. Dog fleas and cat fleas are brownish black to black in color, but once they have taken in blood, they are reddish black. These creatures are only about 3 mm long as adults, and they don’t have wings. Instead, they use their six legs to jump. Fleas have incredible jumping ability, which enables them to easily leap onto your dog from ground level and begin feeding on your dog’s blood in just seconds.

Fleas and ticks can pose a frustrating problem throughout most of the United States. Fleas are ectoparasites, or parasites that live outside the body. They can transmit tapeworms and cause allergy driven dermatitis, a common dog and cat skin disease. Many pets also suffer from severe allergic reaction to the bites of fleas and ticks. If you're concerned about a flea infestation in your home or yard, you may notice bites on yourself or your family members.
Fleas are the most common external parasite to plague companion animals. Fleas come in more than 1,000 different species, but the types of fleas that bite cats and dogs are fairly uniform. Fleas are insects that are parasites of mammals and birds.
The minute any warm-blooded creature - including you - leaves your house, he or she becomes fair game for fleas or flea eggs, which can be carried in on shoes or via a breeze through an open window. Even house cats that hunt outdoors sometimes bring the host animals (rat, chipmunk, or ground squirrel) inside. When fleas or ticks bite your pooch, he becomes miserable with the itching , skin irritation and other discomforts from the parasites.
Flea bites are small, red bumps, usually with a red halo around the center. When inspecting on your pets, fleas like to bite in clusters, usually around the head, neck, and tail. You are likely to notice small bites on your own body near or on your feet and ankles, around your waist, and in the bends of your elbows and knees. Even a single Flea bite to a hypersensitive animal or person may cause intense itching and irritation. Aside from flea bites on your own body, check your pets' They should also have similar bite marks on their skin. Check under their fur for a more thorough inspection. If you look closely, you might even find the culprit crawling around in your pets' fur.
Control of fleas must involve treatment of the pet, home and yard, all in the same time period, in order to achieve optimum control. Even though there are several species of fleas, control for all is the same. Control in the yard is sometimes the most difficult and expensive, especially if your animal roams a great deal. Flea control can be a tedious task but when done correctly, it will alleviate the stress and headaches that come along with an annoying pest infestation like this. Remember, to start treatment soon after you discover you have a problem – it will save you time and money in the long run.
Flea control has always been a challenge for veterinarians and pet owners because the adult fleas cause the clinical signs, yet the majority of the flea population (eggs, larvae and pupae) are to be found off the pet in and around the home. They can also be found on shoes, pant legs or blankets, which can transfer the fleas to new environments. Check your pet's favorite places — the dog bed where they love to flop out, the spot on the overstuffed chair where your cat loves to sun itself, or even the places in the house where they play the most. Remember, if your dog does not feel comfortable spending time in a particular area, then neither will fleas.
Because complete flea control is considered almost impossible, combing for fleas remains the most satisfactory way to both get rid of fleas and monitor the flea population. To control fleas on pets, use a dip, spray, shampoo, or dust that contains a labeled insecticide, such as permethrin or carbaryl. Other flea treatment options are liquid wash products in which fleas are either killed by contact. When using these products, it still is important to treat fleas on the premises. Although on-animal flea control is the most popular and effective method of controlling fleas, all areas of the home and yard should also be treated. To ensure proper flea treatment, the inside of the structure must be prepared by removing items from the floor; removing items from under beds, closet floors and from beneath furniture; vacuum fabric surfaces including upholstered furniture, floors and carpeting; empty vacuum bag in plastic bag and seal contents and discard.
Fleas thrive in damp, warm conditions, but they can really live anywhere. They're invasive and they're totally gross. Temperature and humidity extremes can kill them, but they can survive for long periods of time under a surprising range of conditions. They can live outside until we have a hard freeze for weeks. If you have a backyard or lawn at home then make sure the grass in those areas are being trimmed on a regular basis.
Take precautions with fleas in your yards. Their various life stages also make them very difficult to eliminate. A flea control program is most effective when you treat your pet, your living areas, and your yard at the same time. By maintaining a flea prevention program you'll be able to keep your pet, Hayward WI home and yard flea-free. You can prevent pest infestation with a few simple steps & household products.
Here's a short video on how to spot fleas on your pets: